Friday, September 26, 2014


Greetings family & friends!
Here it is Friday night, I feel like it's so close to the day we'll be heading home!  Yay!  But of course we cannot complain at all, we're together - mommy, daddy, & Vita.  💗  Our highlights this week begin with our social worker visit, which went very well.  The three women who came were the two officials from the orphan court and Vita's orphanage director, Kristiana.  They have known Vita since she was about six, and really care for her.  They are very happy for her to be adopted.  She apparently gave them a good report on us! 👏. We served tea, and shared photos from back home, and things we've done since we've had Vita here in Latvia.  They were all talking away, with occasional translation for us from Ilma, with a sweet smile.  She was so encouraging!  At the end Kristiana was hugging Vita and talking to her in such a sweet motherly, loving way.  It was a moment I'll always remember.  Ilma told us that they were all three noticing and commenting that they could discern a different countenance on Vita already!  Our next appointment with them is on Monday, back on their turf, and at that point they will hopefully be approving our taking Vita home to the U.S. for "hosting."  We will also visit the U.S. Embassy Monday afternoon, to put in for her travel visa.
Later Wednesday evening we met another American Mom and adopted daughter, who just had their second trip, and were about to go home Thursday morning.  It was really nice spending the evening visiting with them, and Vita loved chatting with the 16 year old.
On Thursday we visited a super fun indoor water park, sliding down slides, splashing and playing like kids.  It was a beautiful park, and we all enjoyed it so much!  We were all good and worn out by the end of our two hours, for sure!
Tomorrow we plan to take a 2 hour bus ride to visit with Edvards & Helena, who we had hosted last summer.  We're really hoping to have a good visit with them and their Aunt and a cousin, and to be able to encourage them.  Today when I was purchasing a small gift for E & H's Aunt Sarmite, the cashier, a woman who seemed about my age said, 'please' when she gave me change, when she meant to say thank you.  This made me feel so much better, as I've had a mental block this entire trip over the fact that in Latvian you say Ludzu for 'please' AND 'you're welcome,' and 'thank you' is Paldies.  Now I think the Lord had that happen just so I could see that these struggles are universal!
On Sunday we're looking forward to attending the Latvian church again in Riga.
Feeling very thankful for your prayers and encouraging comments,


  1. This is so encouraging to read. I'm glad things are going well. Praying for continued blessings for the rest of your trip!

  2. So glad to hear things are going well - thanks for keeping us updated!
