Thursday, December 12, 2013



I just love word pictures, as you have probably guessed by now.  The one I had thought of recently was  brought to mind because of our oldest dog Petey.  He's fifteen years old, and is quite deaf, so we have resorted to sign language to communicate with him.  That is mostly just shaking a finger at him and frowning when we want him to stop barking, and beckoning/motioning for him to come with curling fingers.  He doesn't always know what we're motioning to him to come for, but he does know what it means.  We learned through hosting our two Latvians over last summer that God always wants to talk to us, we just have to look/listen.  He showed us in different ways what He wanted us to do, and gave us the strength to do the hosting.  He gave us love for Eduards & Helena, and now we still have a relationship with them, and are praying for them.  Now as we are seeking His help again for hosting Vita, there have been little ways that He has spoken to our hearts.  It might be in the lyrics to a song we're singing at church or on the radio, or words of encouragement spoken to us by our friends.  Recently I was asked to substitute for someone in the MOPPETS children's program for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) at church.  Now I had been looking forward to the meeting with the moms, but was a tiny bit disappointed I would be in with children instead.  When I was asked which age I would like to help out with, I picked the nursery.  Randomly.  (not)  My co-workers in the nursery were both regulars, and knew the kids well, and I settled in helping with this and that.  The subject of our hosting Vita came up in conversation and Kara Tumy was so encouraging about it.  She asked lots of questions, and even offered that maybe her 12 yr. old daughter and our student Vita might be able to spend some time together!  I had been looking for a special event to do while Vita was with us, and Kara suggested the Sight & Sound Theater's Christmas show in Lancaster, PA.  That was EXACTLY what I needed, perfect idea!  Kara even knew about a gift card offer that had currently been extended to save on the ticket cost!  As I was going home, I felt such a peace about the whole thing.  I thought of the way we beckon to our old dog, Pete.  I realized that is what God is doing every time he uses someone or something to encourage us,  He's beckoning to us.  He's saying 'come on, you don't know how, or why, but just come on'!  Just like Petey can't hear us, and has to be looking towards us to know we're beckoning, we have to be looking to God to know He's beckoning to us!  I see now, my serving in the nursery at MOPS wasn't random AT ALL!  God orchestrated for me to be encouraged that day, by Kara Tumy!

2 Chronicles 16:9   For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

Okay, we're down to the wire, and today I even got the groceries in the house with Vita in mind.  Thank you so much for your encouraging words everyone, and most of all for praying for us.  God is answering - COOL, huh?!

Our girl!


  1. I'm so excited for you all! I know Vita will have a wonderful time with you, and I'll be praying for all of you during this experience!

  2. I got behind on your blog and didn't realize until today that Vita is coming two days - that's so exciting! :-) I love the bold hair color too :-) I am sure you all will have lots of fun while she's here (and good growing opportunities as well) - that is awesome to see God coordinating things already.

  3. Thanks Ruth!
    What will you be doing for Christmas?
