Thursday, June 27, 2013

Meeting at the airport

Well thank you so much everyone for you prayers!  We drove to the airport with Karen and Brett Lazo, meeting Phil Lazo there.  (He brought us Chick Filet!)  The Lazo's are hosting a boy (14) named Nikita.  We had a pretty long wait, but enjoyed meeting other host families, including Julie Martin (Of Martin's Potato Rolls!), who is hosting two brothers up in Chambersburg, PA., and her sister Jackie.   Erin Runkles was waiting with us too, as she is hosting one of the chaperones.  She has sure been a source of encouragement to us!  Meeting all those families, and some of whom have previously hosted, was so encouraging.  But the longer the wait, the more nervous I felt.  When we saw Eduards and Helena finally, they looked quite a bit different than their pictures, but WONDERFUL!!!
They are so handsome, and beautiful, and SWEET!!!!  And guess what - they speak and understand some English, which is GREAT!  So, I am going to bed very thankful, and praying that Eduards and Helena will have a peaceful night's sleep.  Thank you again for praying for us, God is hearing and answering your prayers!

How did we get here?!

After my husband Mike returned from a mission trip to a very poor part of the world, he had a strong urge to care for widows and orphans.  As he checked through the Bible, he found numerous scriptures encouraging believers to do just that.  He talked to me about it, and said that he thought God might be calling him to do something specific about it.  That was about two years ago.  During that time we kept looking at each other and just agreeing that we felt so blessed, and we could not out give God, we knew we had to share our blessings somehow.  Several months later, I heard a radio broadcast in which an adoptive family was interviewed.  The host of the program asked the couple at the end of the interview how they would convince others to adopt.  The couple said they would only ask that each listener to the broadcast would pray, and ask God if He is calling them to share the blessing of their home and family.  That went right to my heart, and Mike and I decided to pray that prayer, and then look for God's answer.

Well, one really cool thing I've learned is that if you ask God something, and then look for the answer, and try to listen, HE GIVES AN ANSWER!  Cool, huh?
So, through a series of circumstances, that I can go into if you really want the nitty gritty, here we are, about to pick up two young people at an airport, who we have never met!  They are Eduards & Helena (14 & 12 yrs. old), brother and sister from Latvia.  We are so excited and nervous at the same time!  But we also have peace in our hearts that God is in this, and He's called us to it.  He'll give us the strength we need, grace, and love.  

Only a few hours from now we'll meet E & H . . . I'm wondering so many things!  Will they be happy to be with us?  Will they be scared?  Will they like the rooms we've readied for them?  Will they be okay with all these dogs and cats?   Will we be able to communicate?
Now you're in suspense along with me!  Ha!  Tune in later . . .